Sunday, January 27, 2013

Reflective essay 2

Clement jean François
Reflective essay 2
The role of technology has played a critical role in the classroom. Chapter one of Support learning with technology, explains the meaning of educational technology, the benefits from learning with technology and the fundamental use of technology in the classroom.  Technology in general has no set definition. Author Joy Egbert of Support learning with technology, defines technology in a variety of definitions such as one my favorite definitions of technology, “the application of knowledge to meet the goals, goods, and services desired” (Egbert, 11).  I like this definition, because it includes one of the basic principles in learning, which is the applying of knowledge. 
Educational technology includes the use of the computer and helps fulfill learning in different ways. With educational technology students are able to use different resource materials such as, the internet, PowerPoint, I movie and more.  Educational technology is very interesting, because learning with technology has effective outcomes in the classroom. “There are benefits to group work, high-level concept understanding for older students and improvement in student attitudes toward computer technologies” (Egbert, 13). Although technology in the classroom is effective, it will not guarantee success for every student. “Technology has not been shown over all to be effective at increasing student achievement” (Egbert, 13). he effectiveness in the classroom is based on the applied knowledge of material and connected to technology.
Chapter one of Support learning with technology, has helped me realize the importance of technology in the classroom. Though chapter one had great informative information about technology and education, I believe chapter one lacked the explanation of teachers’ roles with technology. Though technology is used in our lives, technology is nothing without someone operating it. Furthermore, educational technology plays an important role in the classroom, because students can learn with it.

Egbert,Joy. Supporting Learning with technology:essentials of classroom practice. Pearson Education INC, 2009 Culmbus, Ohio


  1. I like the fact that you said that Technology in general has no set defintion. One reason I like that statement is because the definition is so broad in the book it's hard to make a specific definition.

  2. You had some great points in this post. I also believe that even through technology is effective it does not mean that it will work for everybody. Especially the students that are not good with technology.
